Test Instructions

  1. Make sure you can open a test tree with media collection in the latest released FTM 2019.

  2. Convert and open the tree in FTM 2019 BETA.

  3. Apply various FTM features (e.g. color coding, smart filters, profile pictures, etc.) to FTM tree.

  4. Compact.

  5. Upload the tree to Ancestry and check a newly created tree there.

  6. Click here to create a new TreeVault account in BETA environment, if you do not have a TreeVault BETA account yet.
    NOTE: Your current TreeVault account from FTM 2019 will not work in FTM 2019 BETA.

  7. Log in to TreeVault with your BETA account in FTM 2019 BETA and upload the tree to TreeVault (Create Antenna Tree including Media).

  8. Apply / change different FTM features (e.g. color coding, smart filters, profile pictures, etc.) to FTM tree.

  9. Perform Ancestry Web Search inside FTM and merge information into FTM tree. Check the result of web merge in FTM tree.

  10. Perform FamilySearch Web Search inside FTM and merge information into FTM tree. Check the result of web merge in FTM tree.

  11. Go to the tree on ancestry.com or inside Ancestry mobile app. Perform search there and merge information into your Ancestry tree.

  12. Go back to FTM tree, compact and sync with Ancestry. Check the result of syncing in FTM tree.

  13. Use Help > Compare with TreeVault Antenna Tree.

  14. Download Ancestry online tree as a new tree into FTM.

  15. Download Antenna tree into FTM through Emergency Restore.

If you have time to do further testing, please feel free to explore new features. If you find any issues which you believe should be fixed before release log them in the bug tracker:

BUG TRACKER - All severe bugs go here.