The Coolest, Funnest, Most Creative Mac Drawing And Painting App Ever

My Mac and I have a plan. We plan to teach our three girls to be digital artists who become rich and famous.

Their wealth will help to care for their parents in their old age (that would be me and my husband). What kind of tools are we giving our future designers, artists, and world famous daughters? Mac and iPad drawing and painting apps for kids.

If they don’t become rich and famous artists it won’t be due to a lack of trying by their parents.

Tools Of The Tinker Tot Trade

One of the coolest, funnest, most creative Mac apps we’ve run into is called KID PIX Deluxe 3D. It’s one of the more expensive kids drawing apps, but we’re sparing no expense to ensure an early retirement.

As a drawing and painting app, KID PIX 3D is totally different than run of the mill drawing tools.

It comes with over 100 video backgrounds. Characters and objects are animated 3D. Using simple layers, KID PIX gives scenes a 3D look.

Onscreen objects become animated characters that can be moved around the screen. Did I mention 3D? There are built-in 3D stereo effects that require 3D glasses to view.

Animation tools are easy enough for primary school kids to handle. They feature drag and drop paths so characters can move around the screen.

Use the Mac’s built-in iSight camera to do a kid’s video narration, and then drop the video into an onscreen costume or character.

The whole shebang has multiple audio tracks to handle narration and background audio.

See how kids can draw an animation path. Add an animated character to flow along the path.

All these drawing and painting and animation tools are sophisticated, but easily mastered by young children.

The paint actually moves on screen. The crayon tools look like crayons but work as digital painting tools with a crayon flair.

The movie backgrounds give kids a starting point (over 100 included). Paris, outer space, creatures, scenery, city lights and traffic, even barnyard animals. All can be dropped in as backgrounds and kids can draw and paint on top.

I remember oohing and cooing over MacPaint back in the day. My kids look at simple Mac painting apps and snicker. KID PIX 3D is truly a 21st century drawing tool for the immature masses.

My first thought was that the tools would be a little too sophisticated for pre-schoolers, but both of our pre-school curtain climbers had no trouble figuring out how to drop in animated characters and paths on the screen.

Now if only they would hurry up and become world famous and be commissioned to do the animation for Avatar 2.

– by Alexis Kayhill