Stellaluna is the heartwarming story of a lost young fruit bat whose
world is
literally turned upside down when she is adopted by a family
of birds,
and finally finds her way safely home to her mother and friends.
Living Books adaptation by Wanderful Books of the award-winning
book "Stellaluna" by Janell Cannon is an invaluable tool in sharing
universal themes of upbringing, isolation, acceptance, and friendship
with young learners.
Filled with surprises!
More than a dozen animatedsurprises are waiting to
be discovered on each
page. The tree is
obvious… the lizard
isn't - until you click
on it!
"Read to Me" and "Let Me Play"
Even small children canfind their way around in the
fully interactive "Let Me
Play" mode, or use
the "Read to Me"
mode where no
navigation is
Bat Quiz
Any bats at the North Pole? Vegetarian Bats? Aspecial quiz section has all sorts of fun, fact-filled
answers presented by Stellaluna
herself - with three levels of
difficulty to choose from.
Reading words aloud
Words become highlighted as they are readaloud. Miss a word? Just click on it to hear it
again. All words are
"active" for extended
word play and
language learning.
For Parents
Parental tips includedto help you get the
most out of this
interactive storybook.
An easy toggle is provided to switch betweenEnglish and Portuguese.
For Teachers
A FREE 46 page Stellaluna Classroom Activities guide is included. TheClassroom Activities for Stellaluna have been created to help develop
connections between this interactive storybook and the ongoing
activities in your classroom, whether you are teaching in a school or
homeschooling. You will find activity plans, reproducibles, extensions,
a thematic unit, and an annotated bibliography, as well as
technical, practical, and curricular support.
Activities are grouped by grade level and include language arts,
reading, writing, math, science, and more. In addition, the activities
align strongly with the Common Core State Standards in English
Language Arts and Mathematics. The PDF guide is easy to export and
print, or your can view it inside our app.
reading, writing, math, science, and more. In addition, the activities
align strongly with the Common Core State Standards in English
Language Arts and Mathematics. The PDF guide is easy to export and
print, or your can view it inside our app.