If you are having a technical problem, please submit a Technical Support Request and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can, usually in 1-2 business days.
If your problem is related to printing, it is most likely being caused by your printer driver, not the application. Download and install the latest driver from your printer manufacturer's website (list of websites of most popular manufacturers) and see if the problem persists. If it does, then include the following information in your Technical Support Request:
- Printer model and type (for example, EPSON 740 inkjet)
- Version of the printer driver that you have just installed
We'd love to hear what you think about KID PIX 3D. Share your recommendations and thoughts with us and help make KID PIX 3D even better. Thank you!FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
- T1. Menu options are unavailable
Q: When I use KID PIX 3D, most options in the menu bar are dimmed and unavailable. Why is that?
A: This occurs when Small Kids Mode is active. You can turn Small Kids Mode off by choosing the Turn Small Kids Mode Off command from the Go menu.
- T2. Cannot import a song or a sound
Q: I can't import some of my songs or movies. What's wrong?
A: To import audio and video files that are in newer formats such as AAC audio and MOV video files, you need to have QuickTime version 7 or later installed on your computer. You can download the latest QuickTime installer from Apple's website.
How To:
- H1. How to set up multiple users
Q: How can I set up multiple users and make the settings different for each one?
A: Log in as KidPixAdmin to set up multiple users. Then log in as each user in turn and specify Kid Pix settings for that user. For details, see "Logging In as a New Kid Pix User" on page 68 of the Kid Pix User Guide.
- H2. How to use a Sound Art tool
Q: How do I use the Sound Art tool?
A: The Sound Art tool paints abstract images that get their size and shape from the pitch and volume of sounds you put in through your computer's sound input device. Talk or sing into your computer's microphone, and the Sound Art tool will "paint" those sounds. To select the Sound Art tool, click the Painting Tools button and click the Sound Art tool in the tray. Then select the "Hands-free" or "Mouse-move" mode in the tool options tray. If you select the "Hands-free" mode, you can make noise into the microphone and Kid Pix will paint itself. If you select "Mouse-move", you can direct the painting with the mouse and make noise at the same time to form the painting. For details, see "Using Painting Tools" on page 16 of the Kid Pix User Guide.
- H3. How to see 3D effects on a computer
Q: How can I see the 3D effect on my computer?
A: To see the 3D effect, first you must export your project with the "Include 3D stereographic effects" option selected. After that, open the exported file in an appropriate application and look at it wearing a pair of the red-blue 3D glasses. See "Exporting Pictures with 3D effects" on page 53 of the Kid Pix User Guide.
- H4. How to correct mistakes
Q: How can I correct any mistakes I have made?
A: Undo Guy will take you back as many steps as you need. For details, see "Using Multi-Level Undo Guy" on page 24 of the Kid Pix User Guide.